There are a great many laptops on the market; it is a very crowded marketplace indeed. This is all very well and good for the techie types out there who live on a diet of stats, acronyms and data, but what about those of us who really haven’t a clue? (And believe me, I am firmly in this category)
Well, I recently set out to try and buy myself a laptop so that I can write whilst travelling, have regular access to the Internet (without fiddling with the tiny keys on an overpriced phone) and generally update my operations beyond late 19th century age-of-steam standards. To this end, I have talked to a couple of my more ‘technically minded’ friends and compiled for you a list of three questions that all prospective laptop owners should ask, before you get into anything even remotely technical.
1) How heavy is it? Some laptops have a ‘dock’, which is a sort of power pack that can also contain things like the CD drive (if it has one) this may be very useful when sitting at a desk, but increases the weight dramatically if you are planning on commuting. Make sure, when choosing the model for you that you know how much it will weigh when carried around.
2) What do you want it for? Many different types of laptop computers are available to buy. Its not as simple as just selecting a certain type and going for it. There are gamer laptops for example, which are, unsurprisingly, for gamers. They can be used for regular functions, but the increase in memory and processing power also necessitates an increase in price. Why pay for more than you need?
3) Is it discontinued? It may be tempting to pick up a second-hand laptop on eBay, just make sure you don’t get a second-rate one by mistake. Many laptop models are discontinued, some after only a couple of years and that means that its repair value will end up being very high indeed. You also run a big risk of not having enough memory to run the state-of-the-art software package you got for Christmas. It’d be like trying to upload the Matrix onto a typewriter.
Of course, you should be absolutely sure that the laptop you eventually do buy suits your needs. There is no point buying a Macbook Pro if all you want is access to the chimp video on Youtube, for example (you know the one I mean!!). I strongly advise making some techie friends as well, yes, they are boring and not usually much to look at either, but they pay for themselves with the money they’ll save you. Trust me.
how to buy a laptop computer
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